Monday, April 30, 2012

Class 4/30

Cell Bio
(I didn't take any handwritten notes today)
Don't forget to turn in your article summary either by email or hard copy by 5pm!

No Genetics class today!
Don't forget to turn in your fly reports and the online pcr report on Wednesday

Friday, April 27, 2012

Class 4/27

Cell Bio

(handout notes)

*If anyone has any trouble accessing any files, please let me know, I have a dropbox account that I can share with you and you will be able to access the files. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Technical difficulties?

I hope that no one is having troubles accessing the notes and audio for studying tonight. Sounds like we all waited til the last minute, no? Anyway, if you're having troubles, I'll be up for a little while tonight studying as well, you can email me at veebs (at) me (dot) com and I can invite you to my dropbox. Ciao!

Class 4/25

Cell Bio
Audio 1
Audio 2


Monday, April 23, 2012

Class 4/23/12

Cell Bio

(handout notes)

**I missed class on Friday, I had my daughter at the DMV.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Class 4/11/12

I only recorded the lecture today during Cell Bio because I was reviewing for the Genetics exam during class. I know, shame on me, but I return the favor regularly during Genetics for Cell Bio as well. And there is nothing from Genetics today because we had the exam. Which I hope I totally owned. Anyway, here it is!

Cell Bio Audio

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

For you late-night procrastinating losers... (YEAH MYSELF INCLUDED)

Here are some last-minute study tools that you may find helpful. Of course, all of you have probably been studying your heads off and you're having a nice wind-down before a good night of sleep. For the other 23.5 people in the class, this stuff's for you. (and ME)

If you don't have Mental Case, it kinda sucks to be you. But here's a study archive file of flashcards for the vocabulary part of the test.
Flash Cards

Here's a study review that I've made for chapters 8-12. Keys are being added as they are completed. (THANKS JENN!)
Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 8 Key

Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 9 Key 

Chapter 10 Review 
Chapter 10 Key

Chapter 11 Review
Chapter 11 Key
Chapter 12 Review  
Chapter 12 Key 

**Disclaimer: This is not an authorized study guide by any faculty at CSU. I am providing this resource as a supplement to your individual study habits, and this should not be depended upon as your sole source of study material. I am incredibly human and am liable to make mistakes, omissions, down-right nonsense, and the like. Please do not be angry at me if you toast your exam due to my goofy study notes. I really want to help, and I also find that compiling this information helps me to study. I hope everyone makes an awesome grade tomorrow! God bless!*

Monday, April 9, 2012

Class 4/9/12

Cell Bio
Audio 2
(apparently I hovered too close to the playback button, and in the middle of class my pen started playback. I recovered and started recording promptly. Sorry!)

(he did handouts for notes today, so no notes)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Class 4/4/12

No genetics class today since Dr. Burgess is going to a conference for the rest of the week. No class on Friday for cell OR genetics. But Dr. Stokes did a very nice review today for the test tomorrow. I recorded it and tried to take good notes. Hopefully it will help!

Cell Bio

Monday, April 2, 2012

Class 4/2/12

Cell Biology

*I missed Cell Bio this morning, so I'm uploading Jenn's iPad notes. I'm hoping to get audio from Shraddha soon.
