Monday, February 27, 2012

Class 2/27/12

Cell Biology


Some Study Help

Here's a Mental Case study archive for the genetics exam. If you have a Mac or an iOS device such as an iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone, you can download Mental Case. MC is a flash card (and much more really) application that is very helpful for studying. So if you are able to use it, I'm sharing a study archive that the lovely Jenn Joiner (aka jennjoinerane) put together to study for the genetics exam this week. Enjoy!
Genetics flash cards for Mental Case

Friday, February 24, 2012

Class 2/24/12

Cell Bio


(pardon the crazy carrying on at the top of my notes, Jenn and I were goofing off at the beginning!)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cell Bio Lab 2/23/12 (he lectured instead of labbed)

Is labbed even a word? Probably not, but you get me.
Dr. Stokes didn't do the lab today, he lectured instead. So here's the audio and notes!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Class 2/22/12

Cell Biology

Audio 1
Audio 2
*Apparently my pen decides to shut off sporadically. I hope I didn't miss too much. :)

**If you come across a problem opening any files, please send me an email and I will fix it ASAP!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vocabulary Review for Genetics

I always study my vocabulary by giving myself a test. I didn't do so well on last week's vocab test because I didn't take enough time to study the large list of words we had from chapter 4. So I'm going to start adding the review that I do on the blog here just in case it might help someone else. The first page has all the words with the definitions, and the second page is a blank "test" with just the definitions and a place to fill in the word. I hope I have all the words from the lectures! And if I'm MIA on Wednesday between Genetics and Lab, it's because I'm trying to do better. :)

Vocabulary Chapter 5

Also, I use Mental Case on my Mac/iPad for flash card review, I'm going to try to include the file here just in case someone wants to use them as well.

Mental Case Flashcard File

Monday, February 20, 2012

Class 2/20/12

Cell Biology
Handwritten Notes
Audio 1
Audio 2
*There are two separate audio files because my pen decided to stop recording at some point and I am not sure exactly how much is missing. But when I noticed I turned it back on. I also apologize for the big goofy mess at the beginning of the note, I skipped a section on my drawing and had to do-over.


**I missed class on Friday, but I was told that the class in Cell today was a review with additional notes from Friday. I do have handwritten notes from Friday's class for Genetics, I just need to write them up and upload them. I'll get on that ASAP. Thanks!

Genetics 2/17/12
Handwritten Notes

Friday, February 10, 2012

Class 2/10/12

Cell Biology
**Exam yesterday, did lab today**

Handwritten Notes **This may be two days of notes for 2/10 and 2/13, looks like I forgot to add the date for 2/13 somewhere in here**

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Class 2/1/12

Cell Biology
Handwritten Notes *same file as last post,  apparently I smushed together 1/30 and 2/1.

Handwritten Notes